1st Prize in Panhellenic Architectural competition by invitation, 2021 “Odysseus – The Greeks and the Sea” museum of naval culture in Faliro, Athens Varvara Christopoulou in collaboration with TPA Company
1st prize of closed architectural competition, 2021 Apartment buildings in Agios Kosmas Hellinikon Varvara Christopoulou in collaboration with the ISV company
First place at architectural competition upon invitation, 2016 Cultural Center at Agios Ioannis Rentis, Athens Architects: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas, Agapi Proimou, Sotiris Theodosopoulos Associates: Lefteris Michaloutsos, Virginia Malami, Vivian Theodosopoulou
1st Prize in architectural competition For the “Regeneration of Dimosthenis Sotiriou Square, Markopoulo”. Architects: V. Christopoulou P. Dragonas.
2nd Prize in architectural competition For the “Regeneration of Athanaton Square, Chalkis”. Architects: V. Christopoulou, P. Dragonas.
2nd Prize in architectural competition (after pre-selection) For the “New Cultural Centre at Kollas Warehouses at Patras”. Architects: Th. Dragonas, V. Christopoulou, P. Dragonas.
3rd Prize in architectural competition For the “Regeneration of Omonia Square, Athens”. Architects: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas.
Distinction (purchase) in architectural competition,2010 For the “Regeneration of Theatrou Square, Athens”. Architects: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas.
Model complex of vacation houses in Skroponeri, Euboea -GR Honorable mention in an architectural competition, 2006 Architects: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas Partner: Zografia Karekou
Distinction (purchase) in architectural competition For the “New Building Complex and Public Space for the Livadia Town Hall”. Architects: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas.