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About / Publications


Printed Publications


“Tomorrows” in Nantes Exhibition Curator

The exhibition “Tomorrows – Fictions spéculatives pour l’avenir méditerranéen” at Le Lieu Unique in Nantes -FR was curated by Daphne Dragona and Panos Dragonas and designed by and Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas.

Co-organized by Le Lieu Unique and Onassis Stegi. Nantes, 27.3- 2.6.2019.


“Hutte Urbaine” in Olivier Darmon, Habiter les toits, Paris: Éditions Alternatives.

Catalogue for the exhibition “Tomorrows: Urban fiction for possible futures” (It features photographs of the exhibition designed by Varvara Christopoulou and Panos Dragonas)

Edited by: Daphne Dragona, Panos Dragonas

Publisher: Onassis Cultural Center – Athens

Designed by: Yorgos Rimenidis – Grid Office

This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition “Tomorrows: Urban Fictions for Possible Futures” organized by Onassis Cultural Centre.

Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens, London: Artifice, 2017, pp.174-176.


Participation in the exhibition “The Minimum Structure”

With the project “Detached – Urban Hut in Athens”. Curated by A. Artinos. Romantso, Athens, 04.11-13.11.2014.


Participation in the inaugural presentation of DOMES INDEX

Presentation of the project “Apartment Building at Pagkrati”. Athens, 14.06.2013.

Catalogue for the Greek participation at the 13th International Architecture Exhibition -la Biennale di Venezia

Alexander Tzonis and Alcestis P. Rodi, Greece: Modern Architectures in History, London: Reaktion Books, 2013, pp.245-249.

Giorgos Angelopoulos, “deltArCHI -Varvara Christopoulou- Panos Dragonas  : On the way to redefining elements of the local culture,” Greek Constructions 137 (May 2009), pp.68-75.


Δημήτρης Α. Φατούρος, Ίχνος Χρόνου – Αφηγήσεις για τη νεώτερη ελληνική αρχιτεκτονική, Αθήνα: Καστανιώτης, 2009, σσ.64, 195-196, 231, 446.


“Πολυκατοικία στο Παγκράτι,” Η κατοικία στην Ελλάδα από τον 20ο στον 21ο αιώνα, Αθήνα: ΕΙΑ, 2009, σ.48.


Participation in the exhibition “Invisible hotel”

With the project “Sous les pavés, la plage”. Curated by Memos Filippidis.

Organized by Carteco. Deste Foundation. Athens, 19.04-23.04.2005.


Dimitris Fatouros,
“Sei progetti di giovani architetti ateniesi,”
Archi 1 (2005), p.15.

in Archi 1 (2005),


L’architecture d’aujourd’hui 345 (2003), pp.78-83.

“Apartment building in Pangrati, Athens,” Design + Art in Greece 35 (2004), pp.152-155.

“Public square, Markopoulo, Attica” in Yiannis Aesopos,
Yorgos Simeoforidis (Eds.),
Landscapes of Modernization,
Athens: Metapolis, 1999, p.247.

“Polykatoikia at Pagkrati, Athens” in Jakub Kyncl, 39 Living in the City, Brno: Era, 2005, σ.102-105.


“Polykatoikia (Apartment building)” in Joachim Fischer, Chris van Uffelen (Eds.), 1000X European Architecture, Berlin: Verlagshaus Braun, 2007, p.1003.

Electronic Publications




Ανδρέας Γιακουμακάτος, “Ωδή στην Kitty AI,” Το Βήμα (23 Ιουλίου 2017).


Andrea Lo, “Why are designers creating parasite architecture?” CNN Style (13 October 2017).

Φιλίππα Δημητριάδη, “Τι δουλειά έχει μια ξύλινη καλύβα στις ταράτσες των Αθηναϊκών πολυκατοικιών;” Popaganda (30 Ιανουαρίου 2015).


Amy Frearson, “City roof cabin offers an alternative to the primitive forest hut,” Dezeen (9 January 2015).

Saida Quddus, “Deltarchi | Dragonas Christopoulou Architects Design Urban Hut for Athens,” Archdaily (25 December 2014).


Sebastian Jordana, “Venice Biennale 2012: Made in Athens / Greece,” Archdaily (12 September 2012).

Maria Cristina Didero, “Made in Athens,” Domus (31 Agosto 2012).