Fictions spéculatives pour l’avenir méditerranéen

Fictions spéculatives pour l’avenir méditerranéen

Exhibition design: Varvara Christopoulou, Panos Dragonas
Curated by: Daphne Dragona, Panos Dragonas

“Tomorrows” is an ongoing exhibition project from Athens. It discusses the complexity of the future through the works of artists, architects and designers. It hosts video installations and architectural narratives, plans and models, 3d prototypes and wearables, that all tell stories about tomorrow’s possible worlds. Most of these scenarios focus on issues of the Mediterranean region, such as the economic crisis, the effects of climate change, and mass population movements. “Tomorrows’” projects are aiming to provoke discussions and are using the future as a tool that can assist in critically understanding present itself.

The venue for Tomorrows in Nantes was “La Cour”, the central space of Le Lieu Unique. The exhibition was held in the old biscuit factory where Petit-Beurre and Straw d’Or were made.

March 27th – June 2nd, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes -FR

Co-directed by Le Lieu Unique and Onassis STEGI -Athens

Graphic design: Yorgos Rimenidis – Grid Office

Photos: Nicolas Joubard – le lieu unique

Participating artists, architects and designers: Constantinos A. Doxiadis / Stefania Strouza & The New Raw / Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke with ARTEKLAB, Geraldine Juárez, Darlene Farris-LaBar et Antonio Esparza / Design Earth / Heba Amin / Aristide Antonas / Zissis Kotionis / Zenovia Toloudi – Studio Z / Liam Young / Point Supreme / Takis Ch. Zenetos / Kyriaki Goni / Loukia Alavanou / Petros Moris / Lina Theodorou / AREA – Architecture Research Athens / James Bridle / Adam Harvey / !Mediengruppe Bitnik / Lydia Kallipoliti & Andreas Theodoridis with Xueping Li, Erica Vinson, Dakota Pace and Seraphim Le / Manolis Daskalakis-Lemos / Pinar Yoldas.

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